Melissa Mose is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a private practice in Los Angeles since 1995. She has specialized in the treatment of OCD and anxiety since 2011 and currently trains and supervises associates in her group practice.
Melissa is also an Internal Family Systems therapist. She is Level 3 trained and Certified and an IFSI-approved clinical consultant. She has served on staff as a PA for multiple Level 1 and Level 2 experiential IFS trainings through the IFS Institute.
Melissa’s experience as the parent of a child with OCD led her to specialize in the treatment of individuals with anxiety and OCD as well as their families. She is a graduate of the IOCDF’s general, pediatric and advanced Behavior Therapy Training Institutes (BTTI) as well as the Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) program and Cognitive-behavioral Intervention for Tics training (CBIT).
Her fifteen years of experience prior to that specialization provided a broad foundation of skills and approaches that infuse her integrative approach. With a background in family systems and mindfulness practices, she became driven to find more compassionate and accessible treatment for OCD. Melissa has developed an integrative approach that utilizes an IFS framework to provide evidence-based exposure therapy for OCD. Her staff of associates are all IFS Level 1 graduates and have received extensive training in the treatment of OCD through the IOCDF’s BTTI and other senior OCD clinicians in a live an ongoing training fomat.
Melissa is an international speaker and educator on obsessive compulsive disorder and its treatment, and she is currently the president of the board of directors of OCD Southern California, an affiliate of the International OCD Foundation. In her role on the board of OCD SoCal advocates for individuals with OCD, hosts speakers’ series, trainings, and one of largest virtual OCD conferences worldwide. It is her mission to raise awareness, improve early identification and greater treatment accessibility for individuals with OCD and their families.
Melissa is a professional member of the:
- California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT),
- International Obsessive Compulsive Foundation (IOCDF).
- The Anxiety and Depression Association of America
- The Tourette Association of America
- Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS)
Publications and Presentations
- Parenting with the Teen Brain in Mind – developed in Collaboration with Tina Bryson
- Prescriptions for Parenting – presented with pediatrician Dr. Buddy Zuckow